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Filia Ecclesia

  • Created By : Filia Ecclesia
  • Created Date : 2021-10-07 14:33:43
  • Total Signatures : 0
Petitions Home » Browse Petitions » Fixing Facebook's Spam, Stolen Content and Privacy Concerns

Fixing Facebook's Spam, Stolen Content and Privacy Concerns

Facebook is one of the biggest online companies today and they are not trying hard enough to make their online company safe and enjoyable for its users. Some of the biggest and most easily fixed problems on Facebook are frequent spam, stolen content and privacy concerns. Facebook and the offenders using it keep getting get away with these things all because it makes them more money due to ad revenue.

Filia  Ecclesia

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Facebook is one of the biggest online companies today and they are not trying hard enough to make their online company safe and enjoyable for its users. Some of the biggest and most easily fixed problems on Facebook are frequent spam, stolen content and privacy concerns. Facebook and the offenders using it keep getting get away with these things all because it makes them more money due to ad revenue.