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  • p2pahgame
    • 2.2K total views
    • 1 total member
    • Last updated March 8, 2023
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  • delmerrayppi95051 (owner) If players attempt to switch between counter-clockwise and clockwise, in reverse, they can suffer severe damage or even die from one single swipe of this deadly attack. When Skarn completes his beam attack, he will return to his standard fireball attacks. He will then switch to his demonic fireballs which are far more powerful than his basic fireballs, then back to his beam. Making a habit of this pattern is one of the initial important steps to stopping Skarn. Once players have reduced Skarn to 2/3 of his health, he'll disappear and summon the Diablo 4 Guardian Visions from the different classes of the players within the game. These include Barbarian, Wizard, Monk, Demon Hunter, Crusader and Necromancer. In order to defeat these Diablo 4 enemies shouldn't be too difficult however, the Monk and Barbarian are notoriously disruptive and therefore, taking them out first would be the best option. After demolishing all that the Guardian Visions of Diablo 4. Skarn returns to release multiple fireballs to all the points of a Heptagon. Then, he'll return to repeat his basic fireball attacks, to his fireballs that are demonic, then with the laser laser till the players have lowered Skarn to a half HP. He will disappear and summon all the Diablo 4 Guardian Visions again after they've been defeated they will be defeated again. He will then return and launch the fireballs multiple times in Heptagons once more. Once Skarn is at 1/3 of his health He will roar turning angry, and entering into Phase Two. Skarn disappears, and then reappears with three duplicates of himself and players will be given around 8 seconds to locate and kill the boss. If players are unsuccessful in finding and kill the Skarn who is real then the Skarns will wander around their locations, restart the timer , and replenish their health pools. Many players are struggling here or may give up in frustration, but there's an amazing method to determine which Skarn is the most authentic. Pay attention on the foots of all Skarns with the exception of the genuine boss will have a red ring beneath them. After the real Skarn is destroyed the duplicates will vanish , and the demon will unleash his Heptagon-fireball attack once again. He will then return to his cycle that he used in Phase 1 attacks that were aforementioned until players lower him to 15% health. Then he will disappear and summon duplicates of him once more. If players can find the true Skarn for the last time and he returns with the Heptagon's fireball and fight players to the death. As you approach the battle, the final victory may seem so near, but yet so far because the majority of players will be depleted of potions , and there will not be any monsters to take out for Health Globes to heal. If players make it through this final fight Skarn will finally be defeated, and the players will be on the end of the road to the end game.